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  • All active members of MPAS (no associates) whose annual dues were paid prior to January 1 of the year of the show, may enter any medium painting in the show.                                                                                                   

  • Works submitted must be artist's original work, completed within  the past two years and not previously exhibited in any MPAS Membership Shows.                                                                                                                              

  • Copies of published photographs, prints, or paintings may not be entered.                                                                

  • Photography art is not eligible.                                                                                                                                                  

  • Entry fee is $10.00 per painting                                                                                                                                                  

  • Participants may sell paintings at the show.  All sales will be conducted between the artist and the buyer.  Paintings should be priced to include a tax-deductible donation to MPAS equal to 20%. Purchased paintings may be picked up at the close of the show.




  • Each artist may enter four (4) paintings.                                                                                                                                     

  • Size of painting, including frame, must not exceed 36 by 44 inches (36" X 44").                                                        

  • Entry blanks must be filled in, and identification card firmly attached to upper left corner on back of painting.     

  • All works must be suitably framed and ready to hang.  Screw eyes and wires must be firmly attached.  No saw tooth hanger will be accepted.                                                                                                                                         

  • Plexiglas must be on all watercolors and other fragile media, except pastels.                                                           

  • Glass will be allowed only on pastels.




  • Neither MPAS nor Northeast Texas Community College will be responsible for loss or damage to any paintings entered in the show.

  • Submission of entry constitutes an agreement on the part of the artist to the conditions stated above.



More information is listed in the show Prospectus.  To access prospectus click 



Annual Membership Art Show Rules

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